Tuesday, March 23, 2021
There are several different tactics that you can use in order to market your website & get ranked higher on the search engines. In today's article we will cover one aspect of search engine rankings that is often overlooked by many webmasters. Marketing your website.
Link building
It's widely known that search engines give more priority to website age, and since your website can't get age to improve its position on the search engine, it will be very good for you to find many websites that link to your website. Linking has the possibility to improve your website's rank among search engines, and this can bring good amounts of traffic to your website. Many webmasters avoid links, thinking that it is a useless effort and only gets you into trouble with the search engines. This is not true. Just like any other SEO technique, linking can help your website get ranked higher on the search engines. But instead of going for quantity, it is better to concentrate on quality. Quality links can bring traffic that is far more valuable than the quantity of links.
So how do you get quality links?
Submit your website to directories
Establishing your own directory for your website can be a good way of getting links to your website. Many directories already have established high ranks with the search engines, and when your website is listed in these directories, it improves your rank among search engines. There are a lot of directories for search engines, and it would be quite hard to get a link from each one of them. But if you submit to a few good directories, this will be helpful to you.
Learn who you want to link to
When you've established your website, try to think who would be worthy of getting a link from your site. Just think about who you want to link to your website. Anyone who is likely to link to your site will be a good choice. Since making good suggestions for websites to link to your site are quite time consuming, you may wish to hire an SEO firm to do the job for you.
Make your website stand out
You'll have to think differently from other websites. If you want to get attention from search engines, you need to make your website stand out. That does not mean that you can't copy what they're doing. You can learn the basics from them, and then start doing things on your own that further differentiate your website.
Write and submit original articles
Having well written and well detailed articles makes search engines take notice. And the more articles you have the more likely other websites will link to yours. If you can write an article that is compelling people will be interested in it, and they will want to link to it. That means you have to write compelling articles. Once you get the hang of it, you will be able to write other people's excellent articles. And they will be happy to place a link to your website in their articles. Just place a link or two.
Participate in other people's blogs
Most blogs give newcomers the opportunity to post comments. This is great if you want to get some excellent keywords or if you have some information that is worth sharing with others. Although this is mostly for helpful posts that are interesting for your readers, it can be a great way of getting a link. Just make sure that you are choosing a blog that allows "dofollow" links. This means that all hyperlinks in your comments will be followed by search engine spiders. The other great thing about leaving comments is that it gives you the opportunity to build your link popularity. The more people who link to you, the more popular you are becoming, and the more likely other websites will link to you as well.
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